Its common to hear one saying alkaline or acidity body but few people know precisely what these really signify.
To put it in a simple manner for easier understanding, we take elements of nutrition from food we eat to maintain our bodies health but in order for food supply to turn into energy our body can use, these elements need to be burned in our body.
However this combustion produces by products such as Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen ions. Carbon Dioxide is exhale directly from our lungs but the Hydrogen ions combine with Oxygen in our bodies, flow in the blood and eventually expelled in urine.
When these Hydrogen ions are presence in large number in our blood stream and changes the PH balances in our bodies, one has what is called an Acidic Constitution.
Since large amount of Oxygen are required to evacuate the Hydrogen ions in our blood from the body, this will rob our body itself of the much needed Oxygen. The effects of this results in the body in a state of Oxygen-deficient.
When this happens, one gets tired even with little exertion and losses pep and vitality. When this condition presists and worsens one progresses to full fledged illness. This is the reason that an acidic body is said to be the breeding ground of disease.
Diet and stress are said to be the central causes of acidic body. When diet is deficient in essential minerals such as Sodium, Potassium, Magnesium and Calcium a tendency towards acidity body develops.
In ideal conditions, it's most desirable to obtain these mineral from daily food. But with hectic lifestyle, tendency towards fast food or simple packed food, more and more urban people are getting serious essential mineral deficiency.
How our body rehabilitate an acidic body condition.
To revive an acidic condition inside our body, our body releases essential minerals in the blood stream in attempt to create an alkaline PH in our blood stream. The high acidity in our stomach will turn all food and jus intake into strong acid. In high acidic environment, food with complex protein and mineral structure on the molecular level will break down. This is the first step in a series of complex chemical reaction inside the body. Any direct attempt to alter this PH balance in the stomach will be counter by our body. Alkaline food intake do not directly alter or changes our body's acidity.
During the process of digestion, food from the stomach enter the intestine are mixed with digestive enzymes and alkaline fluid discrete from the pancreas thus making all the foods' PH alkaline. Minerals and vitamins absorption into the blood stream happen during food movement in our intestine. All minerals and vitamins are then carried along in the blood stream to be utilise or store inside our body.
Essential minerals are released into the blood stream from food digestion to create a healthy alkaline environment for the proper and optimum body function. Essential mineral deficiency happens when the food we eat are lacking in mineral in its original state or when food are not properly broken down into small enough pieces for proper digestion.