The information presented throughout this site has not been evaluated nor judged by Health or any other body of medical authority. If you consult this web site for a medical condition, you should seek the assistance of a sympathetic and competent health professional.
The information shown herein is strictly anecdotal and is presented for general reference purposes only.
Because there is always some risk involved when changing therapy, diet and lifestyles, we are not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences that might result by the use of this site. Please do not apply the techniques of the information on this web site if you are not willing to assume the responsibility.
If you do use the information contained in this web site without the approval of a competent health professional, you are prescribing for yourself, which is your constitutional right, but the author cannot assume any responsibility for your actions.
The information presented through this site is anecdotal and not intended to represent medical advice, nor is it intended to propose (or offer to propose) a cure for any disease or condition. Before starting any therapy or treatment that could affect your health, please consult your physician.
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