Spirulina for Horse
For race horse breader, Spirulina can help improve a horse's coat, hooves, and immune system and improve strength. Spirulina is feed to horse as supplement under special care and is especially good for horses that do not have access to pasture.
Spirulina for Fish
Beside the many benefits of Spirulina for human, there are also spirulina specially cultivate for Koi fish. Koi fish breader feed Koi with Spirulina to enhance its color, increases its immunity against infectious disease.
Spirulina use as fish fed is to color the highly prized koi carp. Fish fed with this superfood have distinctive bright red, yellow, orange, white and black markings and are often seen swimming in ornamental pools and fountains of the rich.
High quality Koi carp can sell for tens of thousands of dollars each to fish lover, so feeding them with this superfood is seen as a good investment. Koi fed that have spirulina in diet, have enhance red and yellow patterns, while leaving a brilliant pure white. This clarity of color definition increases their value by folds.
Spirulina as fed for fish has been a practice for fish culturist in Japan and China for centuries. It's not something unusual to heard, a well taken care Koi can live long enough to become a family pets for several generations.
In Japan, spirulina is widely used as fed in aquaculture grown to produce fish and prawn that have flavor, meat texture and color that is of compatible as the wild catch. These aquaculture supplied for most of the domestic sushi market that demand high quality seafood.
Spirulina for Bird
Spirulina makes bird plumage more glossy, color of the bird is intensifies naturally, improves their health and also increases their fertility by fold. Studies done on Quail, one group fed with spirulina in diet, shows fertility trait improves by up to 90% as compare to another group of Quail that was fed with normal breeder diet.
Other pet bird fed with a mixture of Spirulina in their diet shows similar visible results. The birds showed increase in their metabolic rate, it also proved useful for their digestive tract flora. Due to all the advantages, Spirulina is now considered as a remarkable supplement for the bird lovers and exotic bird breeder.